suspect case BSE - Eyewitness Reports - 08/14/2014

A woman of 54 years residing in the province of Bolzano, but domiciled in Reggiano, died yesterday in the department of neurology Arcispedale S. Maria Nuova for suspected Creutzfeldt Jacob disease (spongiform encephalopathy). was announced by the Directorate-General for ' company hospital. The woman was hospitalized on June 3. The cause of death will be confirmed at autopsy, which will be performed Luigi Sacco Hospital in Milan, through analysis of the brain tissue of the patient. The woman was hospitalized for "time-space disorientation, slowed ideo-motor and gastrointestinal symptoms," began in previous weeks. The instrumental tests requested by the attending physician and performed in an outpatient did not reveal specific medical conditions. A survey carried out at the electroencephalographic Structure of Neurology of Santa Maria Nuova had instead revealed alterations of the track that they suggested the opportunity of admission. During the stay - explains the general direction of 'hospital - the neurological picture is gradually getting worse. On June 11, the analysis conducted on cerebrospinal fluid "showed a positive pathological to a protein frequently found in spongiform encephalopathies." The clinical picture is "constantly and worsened in the following weeks," until death.

Reggio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna, Italy | BSE | Humans

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