18.06.2018 Feature Article

False Vaccine Causes Whooping Cough

False Vaccine Causes Whooping Cough
18.06.2018 LISTEN

Whooping cough is caused by an infection with a bacterium known as Bordetella pertussis

Unvaccinated children were usually accused of spreading whooping cough, but it is now clear that fully vaccinated children spread whooping cough as well. In the US was one of the last outbreaks in North Carolina, and local health authorities warned parents of this sickness.

Kim Davis, nurse director of the Carteret County Health Department, was interviewed by WITN and admitted without hesitation that all cases occurred in fully vaccinated children and that the vaccine does not offer protection. He stated:

“Every patient we have had that we have seen so far has been vaccinated. So you can not take it for granted that just because your child has been vaccinated for whooping cough, he can not get it.”

The whooping cough vaccine is supposed to protect against the sickness but this is not the case. But even now that health officials recognize that the vaccine is not effective, yet the authorities continue to insist on administering the vaccine.

Meanwhile, in Australia people are losing there jobs and children are not allowed to enter schools or daycare centers because parents do not have their children vaccinated for various reasons.

A whooping Cough in the modern post whooping cough time and failure of vaccines

After an outbreak in Los Angeles in 2010, there seemed to be a healthy debate in the scientific world and in the media about the cause of the pertussis outbreak.

Two of the worldwide pertussis experts, Dr. James Cherry of UCLA, University of Los Angeles, and the Dutch Dr. ir. Frits Mooij of the Dutch Center for Disease Control, RIVM had different opinions about the cause:

Cherry claimed that it was due to the "increasing awareness" and Mooij concluded that; “a new mutation was found in the virus.” But Dr. Cherry also stated: “the increase is also partly due to something called decreasing immunity. Immunity against whooping cough does not last a lifetime.”

Neither scientist claimed that the cause of this new pertussis outbreak was due to the small percentage of the population that had not been vaccinated against whooping cough. The debate was about the effectiveness or failure of the vaccine.

Non-vaccinated children get the debt for a whooping cough

In 2013, the small percentage of the population that had not been vaccinated the whooping cough vaccine was the target of accusations for whooping cough infections. There was pressure to remove the failing whooping cough vaccine from the United States CDC child vaccination scheme.

But probably factors such as the fact that pertussis vaccine was only available as a combination vaccine called DTaP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough), which is administered at 2, 4, 6, 15 and 18 months, and 4 and 6 years old, and the many millions of dollars in income that this vaccine provides to put the blame on the unvaccinated children.

Besides that also an autism peak was noted directly after the fifth vaccination.

Several studies on pertussis vaccine and pertussis outbreaks were published in 2013, and the following years. The problem was tackled by distributing publications on a large scale in the 'regular' media sponsored by pharmaceutical companies, in which the outbreaks were attributed to non-vaccinated children, despite the evidence that the outbreaks were caused by the vaccine failure.

An article published by reporter Mary MacVean in the Los Angeles Times on October 5, 2013, can serve as an example of news coverage of the cause of the pertussis outbreak in Los Angeles in 2010.

The title of the article was; “Unvaccinated children carry on pertussis outbreaks, data show. According to researchers, children who were not vaccinated against pertussis contributed to the outbreak in 2010, when more cases were reported than in other years.

A scientist who looked at the geography of pertussis cases suggests that clusters of' non-medical exemptions in vaccinations were one of many factors in the outbreak in California.

Other researchers from various institutions, including the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health, found 39 clusters with high rates of non-immunized and two clusters of whooping cough in children who entered kindergarten from 2005 to 2010.

More cases took place within the non-immunized clusters than outside, the scientists said. California's "non-medical relief" numbers tripled from 2000 to 2010, to 2.33%, with high rates of 84% at some schools.

Both clusters and high whooping cough clusters were associated with factors characteristic of high socioeconomic status, such as lower population density, lower average family size, a lower rate of racial or ethnic minorities, higher incomes and other factors.

It is estimated that more than 95% of the population must be immunized to prevent outbreaks. Aside from the fact that the theory of “herd immunity” has no scientific basis, the vaccine advocates of the government, using their own published guidelines, have stated that herd immunity to whooping cough requires only 90% vaccination and not 95% as named by the Department of Health and Human Services Healthy People 2020 National Immunization Goals.

Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder, and chairman of the National Vaccine Information Center explained in her article “Recently vaccinated children spread whooping cough', how the CDC's own figures show that the concept of “herd immunity” in relation to whooping cough is a myth:

“The CDC now tacitly admits on its website that” the bacteria that cause pertussis always change at the genetic level, that there is a declining immunity of the vaccine and that an increase in the reported cases of pertussis in the US began to rise in the 1980s, when more than 94% of children in kindergarten had received 4 to 5 whooping cough containing combi vaccines.

Today, 94% to 98% of infants with 4 to 5 acellular whooping cough containing DTaP shots, plus 88% of children between the ages of 13 and 17 have received an extra Tdap booster.

The Pediatrics study in 2013, apparently just increased that frequency to 95% to justify vaccination of children with a failed vaccine, because more than 90% of children in the US had already been vaccinated with whooping cough vaccine.

It is striking that the aforementioned study acknowledged that the vaccine had lost its effectiveness! From the same article mentioned in the LA Times, the following quote comes:

“An earlier study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that the DTaP vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) lose some efficacy after the fifth of the five recommended doses. That was also part of the reason for the outbreak, the children's experts say. They also mention the cyclical nature of pertussis and improved diagnosis as a reason for the high numbers.

Nevertheless, the mainstream media channels sponsored by the business community began to publish stories about the “guilty”: those were the non-vaccinated children.

Pertussis outbreak among fully vaccinated students

The news channel KSBW in Salinas California reported in March 2015, that a pertussis outbreak had occurred among fully vaccinated students. There are many studies that clearly show that the whooping cough vaccine fails.

And as more and more studies were published, many of which were also outside the US, it became clear that not only was the vaccine a failure but that there are also strong indications that pertussis outbreaks are actually caused by the whooping cough vaccine.

In 2013, a study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine in which it was shown that the whooping cough bacterium developed immunity against the current pertussis vaccine. A researcher from the CDC took part in the investigation and stated:

“Researchers in other countries have found evidence that circulating strains of Bordetella pertussis have adapted to the acellular vaccine.”

Researchers reported for the first time comparable findings in American children, based on genetic analysis of isolates from hospitalized children.

Experts in the field of infectious diseases saw the declining immunity of acellular whooping cough vaccines as a contribution to an increasing number of cases of whooping cough in different countries. There is increasing evidence that there is another factor that feeds the outbreaks, namely that the bacteria adapt to the vaccine.

A study published in Australia in 2015, linked the ineffectiveness of whooping cough vaccine to changes in the vaccine in 1991. The older whooping cough vaccine before that time, known as acellular whooping cough vaccine, was notorious because of the serious side effects, including encephalitis (often diagnosed as autism) and death.

Barbara Loe Fisher writes that when the financial compensation program for compensation for vaccination damage in 1986 was converted into legislation that gave pharmaceutical companies legal immunity against damage and deaths caused by vaccines, from then on vaccination damage was paid out of a special purpose for that purpose established fund and paid by parents rather than business, the largest amount of compensation was awarded for the whooping cough vaccine.

In 1986, the Congress created the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) as a social contract between government and parents, which according to the vaccine legislation requires parents to give officially recommended vaccines to their children to take their children to. school. Barbara says:

“I remember that in 1982, I walked through the conference rooms with other young parents of DTP children with vaccination damage who requested a conference on the safety of the old vaccine against whole whooping cough cells.

We did not understand why health authorities had not obliged pharmaceutical companies to make the original vaccine less toxic.

We wanted to know why our babies did not have access to the less reactive new germ cell vaccine with split cells in the DTaP recording given to children in Japan using technology developed in the 1970's.

Children who suffered brain damage after receiving pertussis-containing vaccines are attacked in a blatant attempt to rewrite history and cover up vaccine risks and failures.

Maybe that's because, in addition to the $3billion dollars in compensation for federal vaccines granted in the last 27 years under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, most of the childcare benefits have been for whooping cough regarding vaccine damage and deaths”, according to Barbara Loe Fisher.

The new whooping cough vaccine is now generally seen as ineffective, and there are some studies pointing to a link between pertussis outbreaks and whooping cough mutations that adapt to the current vaccine, as researchers admit that a new vaccine is needed.

Should we return to an old vaccine against whooping cough?

Some DPT vaccine developers or pro-vaccines such as Paul Offit, America's best-known promoter of vaccines, require the former 'whole-cell' DPT vaccine to be reintroduced for babies because the whole cell DPT vaccines are more effective and the alleged cases of DPT encephalopathy, brain inflammation by a vaccine, were in any case fake.

In other words, the switch to acellular could never have taken place. In response to this claim, Barbara Loe Fisher states: “Nothing is less true.”

Fisher told Health Impact News:
“The whole-cell whooping cough vaccine in DPT was not only the vaccine with the most side effects, after the smallpox vaccine, once routinely given to children, but it was also the vaccine that triggered the B. pertussis microbe to mutate.

This started at the latest in the 1970's, according to some researchers, evolution began at the end of the 1950's. Even in the baby monkey study by Warfel et al. Published by the FDA in 2014, it was clear that both the 'whole cell' and the acellular whooping cough vaccine did not prevent infection and transmission in vaccinated monkeys.

The only difference was that the monkeys receiving DPT with the whole cell experienced the infection faster than those given the acellular pertussis vaccine. The FDA pinned the audience a different story. She said that the acellular vaccine could not block infection and transmission.”

In a 2016, a commentary written by Fisher; “Pertussis Microbe Evolves to Evade the Vaccine As Experts Argue About Why,” whooping cough mutates in response to the vaccine while experts debate the why, she referred to medical literature that explains that a whooping cough is circulating in highly vaccinated populations, whether they are vaccinated with DPT from whole cells or acellular DtaP.

There were researchers who studied DPT vaccine effectiveness in the 1970's and 1980's, including Trollfors in 1984, which reported widespread vaccine failure and declining immunity in populations with very high DPT vaccine coverage among children.

Recently, another study was published in March 2018, in the journal Translational Medicine Science that confirms that acellular vaccine is not responsible for what appears to be a revival of pertussis in the US.

The title of the research is: “The impact of vaccination coverage and immunity on pertussis resurgence”, the impact of vaccination coverage in the past and immunity on pertussis recovery.

Researchers also looked at pertussis outbreaks in Massachusetts between 1990-2005 and concluded that they; “found little evidence that the switch to the acellular vaccine contributed to the outbreak of Massachusetts.” They concluded that the outbreaks occurred because of the diminishing immunity of both vaccines.

Fisher believes that reclaiming the older whole cell pertussis would be a national tragedy. She told Health Impact News:

“It is not allowed to restore DPT with full cells. It would be a tragedy for this country if we went back to the high risk of vaccination damage due to the ineffective 'whole cell vaccine' for infants.”

Although acellular whooping cough vaccine can still cause encephalopathy, autism, this happens less often than through the 'whole cell' cough vaccine. This is a fact that has been proven in many acellular whooping cough vaccine studies before and after authorization to market the vaccine, after 1996.


Shortly after President Donald Trump was elected to office, he met Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an advocate for safe vaccines. There were reports that Kennedy would introduce a new vaccine safety commission.


A child suffering from a whooping cough
More recently, however, Stat News has reported that Bill Gates has made several visits to the White House to discuss a universal flu vaccine with the president. Has something changed in the President's opinion about vaccines since he took office?

A similar phenomenon happened with the Obamas after they settled in the White House. President Obama made campaign promises to label genetically modified food and to promote transparency in the nation's food supply. Once in office, he promoted pro-GMO policies that benefited biotech companies and not the American public.

Similarly, the first woman Michelle Obama launched an organic garden project in the White House shortly after she took it in, complete with a composting system and beehives.

But as always as time passed, the first lady programs promoted the official USDA attitudes to food and Big Ag. (See: How the organic garden of First Lady became a campaign for unhealthy food.)

If you really want to be healthy and make informed decisions about your health, then do not look at government agencies or politicians because they are apparently not interested in your health.

Finally, we do not want to leave our readers without hope. There are alternatives to what Big Pharma can offer the world. Dr. Suzanne Humphries, once a pro-vaccine doctor, now teaches people how they can really be healthy.

She has written a guide to help families to treat whooping cough in a natural way with very valuable advice: Vitamin C treatment or a Whooping Cough - where Vaccines and Antibiotics have failed; Vitamin C Treatment of whooping cough - where vaccines and antibiotics have failed.





