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Health Officials Are Warning Of A Potential Highly Contagious Measles Outbreak In The Toronto Area

There's a measles outbreak in Toronto and the Halton region.
Health Officials Are Warning Of A Potential Highly Contagious Measles Outbreak In The Toronto Area

Health Officials are warning that locals in Halton and Toronto may be exposed to measles in the city recently after a man in the area was diagnosed with the highly contagious disease. 

Halton Health Officials stated in the warning that the possible measles outbreak extends to other cities as well including Niagara On The Lake, Oakville, and Burlington where the man was staying in a hotel and is currently being treated. 

Measles is a highly contagious disease. According to the CDC in the United States, 90% of people who come into contact with the disease will get sick if they are not immune to it.

They also say that the disease lives in the air and on surfaces so if an infected person coughs or sneezes and then other people breath that air or touch a surface they will become infected or at least carriers of measles too. 

Along with warning people in the Toronto area about the confirmed measles case, health officials from Halton Region also released a list of places where people could have been exposed and potential dates of exposure. 

The man stayed at the Homewood Suites Hotel in Burlington From December 13th to December 17th meaning this is area was a big risk for measles exposure. Here's the full list of places and dates to be concerned about: 

  • Longos Oakville on Wyecraft Rd. was potentially exposed on Dec. 13th, 14th, and 15th 
  • Cogeco on Syscon Rd. in Burlington was potentially exposed on December 14th between 10:30 AM and 3 PM
  • Outlet Collection at Niagara on Taylor Rd. was potentially exposed on December 15th between 11:30 AM and 4 PM, especially the Gap, Calvin Klein, and Guess
  • Amsterdam Brewhouse on Queens Quay in Toronto was potentially exposed on December 16th from 2:30 to 6 PM

Health Officials are now urging anyone who has been in those areas to double check their immunization records and see if they are up to date to on their measles vaccines. 

If you are infected symptoms could take up to 21 days to start showing. They include high fever, cough and runny nose, sore eyes or sensitivity to light, small white spots inside of the mouth, and a red rash lasting four to seven days. Measles can lead to other diseases like pneumonia and encephalitis among others which can be fatal. 

Source: CityNews, CDC, Halton Region

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