Suffering from migraines? These lifestyle changes can help prevent them

Experts offer simple solutions to keep those throbbing terrors away. Scroll ahead for everything you should be doing to prevent migraines
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A sudden migraine can throw your work and personal life askew for multiple days. For those who don't know it, a migraine defines the tendency to get a headache in response to any stressful factor. There are multiple factors in our lives that can cause migraines, and the triggers vary among individuals, but the good news is thar 70 per cent of migraine attacks can be controlled if you avoid the triggers. We spoke to nutritionist and lifestyle ailments expert Dr Vishakha Shivdasani and Dr Kavita Barhate, consultant neurologist, Fortis Hospital, for their top tips on how to beat a migraine before it starts.

Lifestyle changes that can help you prevent and fight migraines

Stick to the clock: Changing your sleep and eating schedules can trigger a migraine attack, especially when you binge on weekends in celebration of your cheat days. So stick to your schedule as much as possible. Eat small meals at regular intervals, and avoiding going hungry for long periods.

Sun's not always fun: Avoid extreme temperature changes. Many office-goers get migraines when they step out in the sun for lunch. The shift from an air-conditioned environment to the bright sunny outdoors can facilitate a migraine. Try for a gradual change and wait for a few minutes in common areas where the temperature doesn't remind you of your last ski trip to the Alps. Drinking water also helps your body adjust to temperature change.

Grab a glass: Water intake is reduced quite a bit in air-conditioned environments. This can cause dehydration, which is a very common reason for migraine attacks. Keep a one litre bottle of water at your work station to help you keep a tab on your water consumption.

Just relax: Mental relaxation of any kind for at least half an hour a day is advocated to avoid migraines. That kind of relaxation can be achieved by pranayama, exercising or even listening to rock music (if that's what calms you down). You need to do an activity which engrosses you enough to not let disturbing thoughts enter your the mind. Any aerobic exercise that increases blood flow and releases muscle spasm will help you stay away from migraines.

Switch off: Increased screen time can induce a migraine as well. Doctors have seen an alarming increase in the number of paediatric cases of migraine sufferers. So it's not just your computer but also the tiny mobile screen that can trigger a migraine in anyone. Eye strain causes muscles to contract and results in tension headache, which is a kind of a migraine. Use a cold compress to release the muscle pattern formed from looking at the screen for very long. Take a five-minute break from your gadgets every two hours, either walk over to the water cooler for a glass of water or just talk to your favourite colleague for a few minutes to calm down.

Migraine diaries: Now this might sound like it's too much work, but maintaining a diary listing your migraines will be helpful in determining the triggers and finding solutions. Each migraine entry should answer four questions: What was the precipitating factor? What was the frequency? What was the duration? What was the medication (for regular sufferers)?

Don't fast: Avoid keeping your stomach empty for long hours, as it results in build-up of acid reflux and causes migraines. Fasting puts your body in a crisis situation. Carry fruits or healthy snacks for times when your stomach growls and you are nowhere close to meeting your lunch or work deadline.

Watch what you eat: Medical literature mentions various food items that work as migraine triggers. These include caffeine, chocolate, cheese (especially aged cheese), ajinomoto, artificial preservatives, wine, nuts and certain fish. Those who have regular migraines should avoid histamine-rich food items, because chances are your body does not have the enzyme to process it and when it isn't released from the body, it causes a migraine. These food items include fermented products such as beer, idli and certain cured meats.

Hit the snooze button: There is no rule of compensation on sleep when it comes to migraines. Oversleeping or waking up halfway through can both cause one. Do not change your nap timings drastically.

Pop the pill: Take your migraine rescue medication as early as possible, because if you prolong taking it, you may end up taking a larger dosage to fight the pain. Once a migraine reaches its peak, nothing works.

Win with vitamins: While not much can be done about hormonal fluctuations, you can pop vitamins to avoid migraines caused by deficiencies. Low levels of Vitamin B and D3 are notorious for migraines, and vegetarians must take Vitamin B supplements. Taking a magnesium supplement at night helps in muscle relaxation, makes you sleep and prevents stress-induced migraines.

See your dentist: TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder is a common cause for terrible stress headaches. This is caused due to grinding your teeth, which further leads to pain in your jaw and at the surrounding muscles. Use a night guard or see a dentist instead of popping painkillers.

Kick the butt: The nicotine present in cigarettes is a vasoactive, which means it changes the size of the blood vessels in the brain and tampers with blood supply. This can cause migraines as well.

Stand tall: Wrong body posture can also preempt a migraine. We often look down or hunch while working, which changes the curvature of the spine. Get up from your desk, and do some neck and shoulder exercises to improve your posture at work.

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