Recently the provincial government put out the message that a dog in the RM of Moose Jaw is suffering from rabies. 

Following that, local veterinarians and dog lovers quickly spread the message even farther, saying to be vigilant and make sure your animal's vaccinations are up to date. 

“The best way to prevent rabies would be to keep your animal vaccinated if you have any animals whether its a cat or a dog," explained Dana Haukaas on behalf of the Moose Jaw Humane Society. "It doesn't really matter if it's indoor or outdoor because rabies can be carried by many different species, so just to stop the spread it's really important to have your own animal vaccinated.”

Haukaas stressed that it doesn't matter if it's a cat, dog or even a human, rabies doesn't have a preference and it can be easily contracted. 

“If an infected animal were to break your skin with a bite that is one way it can be spread, and their saliva is another potential way; so if an infected animal were to get their saliva on a cut on your skin or on your pet.”

If you fear that your pet or animal you've encountered is suffering from rabies, Haukaas said keep your distance and make sure to contact people locally and provincially. 

“Don’t touch them and contact your vet immediately and they should be able to walk you through any problems. There is a Saskatchewan number, the Ministry of Environment which is 1-800-667-7561. The vets in the city, both clinics are awesome and they will walk you through what's needed to keep both you and your pets safe.”

The Moose Jaw Humane Society was also pleased to report that they've never had a dog or cat suffering from rabies in their shelter, which is another reason they encourage all pet owners to get their pets vaccinated.