More police presence needed to match increase in court cases


A senior provincial magistrate says an increase in court cases in West New Britain is requiring more police presence in parts of the province other than the Kimbe town area.
Magistrate Benjamin Tanewan said: “Civil and criminal cases have increased dramatically. Currently, we have between 200 and 300 civil cases and more than 300 criminal cases registered. The increase in cases registered is a result of many people now having access to the courts, and also being aware of how to use the court systems.”
Tanewan said statistics showed more civil cases were reaching the national courts from appeals made in the village courts and then district courts. “Many of the civil cases are registered as a result of land disputes,” he said.
“This is a result of the expansion of oil palm projects throughout the province.
“The area that now has the most civil cases registered are places between Kombe and Talasea. So far there are 20 registered civil cases from that area.
“In relation to criminal cases, the majority of them are assault-related, which have resulted in many people now seeking interim protection orders, especially from receiving threats from other people.”
Tanewan said most of the criminal cases were from areas between Kimbe town and Talasea, and stretched further down to Bialla.
“That is why more police presence is essential.”