Two students diagnosed with whooping cough at Colerain High School, officials say

Max Londberg
Cincinnati Enquirer
Pertussis vaccine - whooping cough

Two Colerain High School students have been diagnosed with whooping cough, school officials said Tuesday in a letter to parents and guardians.

Whooping cough, also known as pertussis, is a highly contagious respiratory disease known for causing violent coughing that can make it hard to breathe.

It can affect people of all ages, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It can be fatal in babies and those pre-existing respiratory disease.

The second Colerain student was diagnosed Tuesday, school officials wrote. The first was diagnosed in late April.

"Classrooms within the high school are currently being disinfected to prevent further spreading," said Superintendent Todd Bowling in a statement. "I have no doubt that our teachers and administrators are taking every step of precaution to prevent further spreading."

Clinic staff members at the high school are monitoring for students that present symptoms similar to an upper respiratory infection. There are no additional suspected cases, the district said.

Parents and guardians were asked to hold students out of school if they are sick and to see a doctor if any symptoms develop over the next 20 days.

Symptoms associated with whooping cough progress in distinct stages, according to Hamilton County Public Health

Signs of the first stage are a runny nose, teary eyes and a low-grade fever. 

A symptom of the second stage is a worsening cough without intervening inhalation, followed by a gasp of air that can sound like a high-pitched whoop.

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After one to two weeks, the cough becomes more severe and spasmodic. People can infect others from the time they begin to have cold-like symptoms until three weeks after the coughing episodes begin.

Adults and children who have had their DPT immunizations may have milder disease. However, pertussis can cause serious illness with sometimes fatal complications in young infants and persons with pre-existing respiratory disease.

People who haven't been immunized are also at-risk and should consult with their physicians.

Ohio law requires that "a person with pertussis. if effective antimicrobial therapy is given... shall be isolated for five days after initiation of antimicrobial therapy."

This means that if a child is diagnosed with pertussis, they must remain at home and may not attend school, daycare or other activities until five full days of antibiotics are given.

The law requires that the local health department complete a full investigation when results are positive for certain infectious diseases such as pertussis in order to prevent further spread.

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